Words of Wonder

Did you know that the odds of you being born are about 1 in 400 trillion?

1 in 400 T-R-I-L-L-I-O-N. 

Not million or billion. Trillion.

Which means this: You are a walking, breathing, living MIRACLE.

And the world needs you, just as you are. 

I know that this can be hard to remember, or feel, when we're struggling. The vortex of discomfort, fear, self doubt and/or trauma sucks us in and we lose sight of the light. It can get pretty overwhelming and dark in that vortex.

But, as my teacher says "Stay on the bright side of your garden". The dark side is there...just don't sit there for too long.

Which is where "Words of Wonder" come in. Some might call this gratitude. And it is. But I like to take it one step further and conjure up wonder. Those little moments of "wow", "ah", "oh my gosh", "it's so beautiful/cute/amazing/funny"...

At the end of the day, ask yourself these questions:

  • what am I grateful for today?
  • what made me smile? did I make another smile?
  • when were the moments I felt relatively "ok"/safe/at ease?
  • what did I learn?
  • what was I proud of?

List 5 things you are grateful for.

List 3 things that you are proud of (about yourself).

When you lie in bed, either at the end of the day or the beginning, consider giving your thanks for:

  • the health of your body (whichever parts are working!)
  • the nourishment you have
  • your shelter
  • your friendships
  • the love you express
  • the love you receive
  • your pets
  • the sky, trees, water, sun (they are still moving in their rhythm!)

If you struggle with these, ask a friend to help you.

That's what they're there for. Reach out.

If you're feeling inspired, share some of your Words of Wonder in the comments below. Inspire us!

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